Maxi said:
Anonymous said...
"there's no right reason to get into such a "career". there are so many women/teenagers who are chained into the reality of poverty. and yet, they don't engage into such a thing. they try to find some better ways to at least survive."
Why does everyone assume this is such a 'wrong' profession? If it was regulated properly (ie: Taking out the pimps and letting the girls keep all the money) then it would be a valid way to make a living. It's all you religious nuts who make it so 'bad'.
"as long as there is poverty no one can stop prostitution" ... "if poverty is eradicated there will be no prostitution.
You're an idiot.
Poverty increases prostitution, but it's not the cause. The 'cause', and you make it sound like a disease, is as simple as market forces. Where there's demand, there will be a supply.
Stop looking on it as a problem and start looking on it as an opportunity. Forget your primitive superstitions (religion) and approach the problem with logic and common sense."
My friendship replied STILL in a nice way:
"April 10, 2009
hmm. ouch. anonymous here seems to be angry at me. well.. i respect his or her opinion. how i wish that he could have at least respect mine. this isn't a debate forumn i guess but an opportunity to express each and anybody's opinion.
am i an idiot? maybe... but honestly, i am not a very religious person at all. he should have at least looked into that before assuming that i am a religion fanatic.
well, i myself have gone through so much poverty especially when we discovered that my youngest brother was suffering from leukemia. most of the family's income went to his meds and treatments which almost was the reason for me to stop finishing my college education. but well, i never thought of selling myself just to get money. i somehow managed to finish college by working part time on a family friend's farm especially during the holidays and vacations.
anyway, i won't be explaining too much to mr./ms. anonymous here. not worth doing so i guess. i believe that no matter how much i explain my part, he'll still call me an idiot."
Anyway, if you are bored, broke and looking for something to make your lives better, check this out
If you are fond of sports visit D's BWE throwdown. I was under Special Grudge Match
another good topic here, Ron!
whatever way we look at this issue, there's no right reason to get into such a "career". there are so many women/teenagers who are chained into the reality of poverty. and yet, they don't engage into such a thing. they try to find some better ways to at least survive.
i personally know some women who aren't really poor. their parents even send them to these very expensive schools and yet they decide to get into prostitution just because they are not satisfied with the life they have... they want more. something i can't really comprehend.
anyway, nice post again, Ron!"